Get Noticed: 3 Tips for Creating Postcards

Looking for an affordable way to promote your business or upcoming event? Postcards can be highly effective at driving new leads and sales, especially when you’re on a budget. Here are 3 easy tips to create your own:

  1. Keep the message simple. Since you’ll have limited space, make it count by focusing on a single call-to-action, like "20% Off Opening Week Sale" or "Book Your Free Consultation."

  2. Use eye-catching images. Graphics with bright, bold colors and strong contrast will make your postcard stand out. High-resolution photos showing your products, location, or people work best.

  3. Include contact details. Don’t forget to include your website, phone number, social media, and location info prominently. Consider adding a QR code to drive traffic to your website or special offer.

Research shows tangible handouts can boost brand recall by up to 65%. Additionally, recipients keep postcards for reference an average of 24 days before purchasing, providing lasting influence. [Data source: USPS “Enhancing Mail Study” 2019]

Distribute and display these cards at events, welcome desks, or community boards to extend your marketing reach. You may also want to consider mailing your postcards to your target audience for maximum impact.

With a well-crafted message and compelling visuals, your printed piece is sure to catch attention, spark interest, and bring new business your way.


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